Instagram sex workers or models

The world has gotten to a stage we can't really control what we see online anymore . We can try our best to sensor as much as we can but we can't do it all .

Let's take a step back and think for minute . Instagram has changed so many lives ,in a good way and in a bad way .

Instagram is now the domain of pedophiles and of nudity at a very alarming rate . Everyone is now a "model" on Instagram . But truly what really crosses the line and is inappropriate.

No man or woman should be allowed to tell a woman or man how to show off their bodies , for heaven's sake they work their "asses" off in the gym trying to get that perfect body .

But now it's gotten to the point people are ready to "fake it till you make it ". How you may ask ... Well people now edit their pictures to make their ass look bigger or their body to look more muscular .

It's gotten to the point women now snap totally naked and as long as they don't show their private parts, Instagram is totally fine with it . Even those that are absolutely not of age to be doing such a thing .

And the truth is we fuel this destructive machine . Commenting inappropriate comments on such post only fuels the hunger to do more .

Pedophile now run wild on Instagram,looking for the next little girl they can get in their bed or jerk off to . If you think this is a lie,go to Malu Trevejo's Instagram page and read the comments on her pictures . A girl that's just 17

Men line up trying to sleep with these girls and sadly some fall to this . Celebrities live a dirty life ,they just don't tell you about it .

Musician proudly sing about how "these hoes and bitches" are chasing after them . Degrading women and we all dance to such .

It's not wrong to show off the body you have work so hard for ,both male and female . But it's wrong to use that as a selling point . No woman or man was born to be a sex toy to anyone . Thankfully strong and well recognized brands are now signing them .


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