Ilhan Omar and AOC (The manipulative Sisters)

These are the two women that have been smartly picked by the Democrats to brainwash and manipulate young girls and others to believe in lies and misinformation.

It's painful to see people use Racisms and other problems the world's facing to pass on a message that's fails , misleading and just pure lies .

Ilhan Omar and AOC have been doing that for years now . Calling anything that doesn't sit well with them Racisms or whatever they feel like calling it .

These woman are shown by the Fake News Media as role models little girls should follow and admire while in true facts ,they are truly horrible people inside that will do anything for money and power . Ilhan Omar has been accused of marrying her own brother to get a Green card with shocking evidence that proves she actually did such disgusting act . I tried reading about her marriage history but believe me it's extremely confusing .

Ilhan Omar has supports terrorist for reasons best known to her ,claiming they deserve a second chance . Forgetting the fact that these people don't give others second chances when they kill People.

AOC is just a confused clown . For me this woman is in her own world and I believe she's also on drugs because she always looks high when she's talking and dancing at the same time .

The DEMOCRATS will use any method ,any lie ,any style to pass on their false ,fake ,misleading information .


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