Mitch McConnell (The man that Saved America)

For some days now I've been arguing with myself if to write about this great man or to keep exposing the demon Democrats for who they are, but I think it's time to talk about Mitch McConnell .

Mitch McConnell has truly shown what it is to be a true American and truly loyal to your country .

While the impeachment hoax that was started by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff , which saw America waste valuable resources and time going after an impeachment that could never happen and was Fake from the beginning.

Republicans worked tirelessly to prove the President was innocent and to expose the Democrats for who they really are .

Mitch McConnell worked alongside with the President and his faith was unshakable in it all.

I remember when Mitch McConnell boldly said President Trump will not be Impeached . Democrats and the media all teamed up to criticize him for saying that and calming the Republicans are trying to stop the impeachment trial .

Mitch McConnell didn't just save America alone but saved the world from the psychopathic ways of the Democrats.

Democrats kept saying it was a sad thing that they had to impeach the President and go on with the trail but their are videos online of Democrats celebrating and happy that President Trump was to be impeached but we all know how the story ended .


  1. Apparently you could care less about truth and that's ashame.please explain to me why Trump sent 18 tons of medical supplies to china instead of keeping it for our own dr.s and nurses? Why mitch left over 300 Bill's from the democrats sitting on his desk? Why he said none of those Bill's will pass even before he saw them. Trump was guilty, and he has been IMPEACHED that will never change, the Republican asses were in charge of the outcome of that trial, we did OUR job, the Republicans have not! Over 14,000 PROVEN lies from Trump and you have nerve to defend him and his flunkies??


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