Donald Trump vs The Fake News Media

For me , the greatest problem America is currently facing is the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.

It's been an ongoing war for the past 4 years and it doesn't look like it will ever end because as much as we all think they are only ever going to attack President Donald Trump , they will also attack more and keep misleading more people .

They have attacked President Trump in everyway possible and haven't spared even his family ,as they have been dragged for over 4 years by the media .

The fake News Media was widely used by the Democrats during the failed Impeachment hoax that exposed the Democrats for being the satanic evil people President Trump always talked about .

No matter what happens , the fake news media takes it as an opportunity to insult,curse and disrespect the President each and Everytime.

The most shocking moment for me was when the Media tried to make Nancy Pelosi ripping the president's state of the union speech  a "heroic" act and used Equal rights to make it looks better when it wasn't .

Media outlets like CNN ,the New York times and others do their best to twist everything the President says and make everything look different from what it actually is . It's gotten to the point CNN has been caught multiple times cutting and editing things the president said and making it look totally different from the point .

One thing I know for a fact is ,the media is controlled by the Demon Democrats. No matter what happens the media hides the wrong doings of the Democrats, they always make them look like heroes when in reality they are the true internal enemies of America.

We now live in a world in which we have to do our own research to get the truth about anything and believe our gut feeling because the Fake news media has taken over the News scene .

What I fear the most is , if this isn't stopped anytime soon , Journalist won't be respected in the world anymore and the world will hate journalist .


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