Democrats and Fake News Media

It's a match made in HELL!!!!.

It all started even before Donald Trump became President . The Democrats and the fake news media have been working together to bring Donald Trump down .

To be honest ,at the beginning I thought it was a joke when President Trump kept on talking about the fake news media, but now it's come to light that it's actually true .

The Democrats and the media are excited that the economy is crashing because they now have a reason to blame President Trump.

News networks like CNN, New York times and the rest have chosen to willingly lie to the world and to the people that actually trusted their news .

Democrats have strategically built up an army in the media to protect them when they do wrong and to cover up their wrong doings.

Now sit down for a minute and just think , if you could do anything wrong and no one ever called you out for it and you had an army of people that always says what your doing is right , won't you keep on doing it ?,  This is what the Democrats have done .

No matter what the President does that's good ,they will twist it to look bad and horrible and when the President makes a mistake, they make it worst that it actually is .

The most disgusting part is the fact CNN uses their ignorant black reporters to criticize and condemn black people for supporting President Trump . They are manipulating people to actually feel it's wrong or it's bad to support the President because according to them he doesn't care about black people when in reality President Trump has done more for the black community than any other President ever did .

The media condemned President Trump for refusing to shake hands with Nancy Pelosi but clapped for Nancy Pelosi when she tore the president's state of the union speech, using feminism to cover up such disgusting act .

People of America need to wake up and fight back before it's too late because soon the Democrats and the fake news media will silence the voice of the People .


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