Donald Trump vs The Democrats (The great war)

It's been a war that's been going on for over 4 years now and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon .

Never in the history of America have I ever seen a President so attacked and criticized for literally everything he does .

The Democrats are out for blood as it seems they get more and more desperate each day to make Trump look bad and to make Americans suffer .

Democrats are like dictators, because it's either they get what they want or you suffer . They hate Trump so much to the point if President Trump saved their lives , they will still find a constructive way to criticize and blame him for it .

If Democrats win the election they will ;
1. Take away your guns
2. Increase taxes
3. Take away your religion
4. Increase cost of healthcare
5. Destroy the economy
6. Make deals with China that will see America lose trillions of dollars

The most annoying part is the Democrats are using this pandemic as a way to criticize President Donald Trump , making it look like he was the cause of it when in reality the Democrats were still hell-bent on impeaching President Trump when signs were being shown of this disaster coming.

The worst part is , the News has totally been destroyed ,that's the part that hurts me the most because this might sound weird but I really enjoy watching the news , I could sit all day just watching the news but I can't do that anymore because it's all FAKE NEWS now .

Democrats have literally made President Donald Trump's presidency a literal nightmare but he keeps going (I don't know how he's doing it ) . President Trump is so focused it's crazy. He truly puts AMERICA FIRST.

Democrats have taken advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to criticize President Trump and act like he's done nothing for America when he's done more than any President has ever done .

To anyone reading this I just want you to know ,we can fight this war along side the president and we will win.


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