Nancy Pelosi vs Donald Trump

I have to be honest ,when I looked up for a picture of President Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi , I saw so many picture of both of them laughing together ,shaking hands and just looking okay . It brought up the question to my mind , what really went wrong ?.

Well , the answer is simply , Nancy Pelosi is an evil manipulative woman that has caused so much confusion and division in the American system .

President Donald Trump has been working endlessly to make everything balanced in America but the Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi have decided to cause so much trouble and hate in the American system .

Like I've said before ,I've never seen any President attacked the way President Donald Trump has been attacked by the Democrats and the Fake News Media .

The thing I find quite funny in an annoying way is , Nancy Pelosi and her army of mindless zombies tried to impeach the President for "withholding aid to Ukraine" but at the end the Democrats have held aid to Americans in need by trying to block the relief plans of the President for Americans that are at home because of the pandemic .

Nancy Pelosi sit down close to her 25 thousand dollars refrigerator and talks about her love for ice cream while millions of Americans are suffering and she does absolutely nothing about it than cause more suffering.

In my own opinion , Nancy Pelosi and her army of mindless zombies (The Democrats) are the biggest problem America currently has .

Nancy Pelosi recently tried hiding a video that shows her telling Americans to come over to China. She was mocking the President for banning flights to and from China, she and the Democrats kept criticizing the President for banning flights but at the end of the day are still currently blaming him for not doing it "early enough " .

Americans are being brainwashed by the Fake News Media to believe President Trump is bad and actually believe Democrats are trying to "save America " .

Democrats are literally supporting China and blaming the President when in actual facts the Democrats were still hell-bent on impeaching the President while signs of this virus were being exposed to the world after the Chinese government repeated lied about it and tried hiding it .

Democrats and the Fake News Media are the biggest problem America is currently facing and they MUST be stopped before it's too late and they succeed in destroy America, all because they don't like President Donald Trump .


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