Chris Cuomo (The Father of Fake News)

Like I've said on this blog repeatedly, I was addicted to CNN . Each morning as my eyes opened ,I went straight to watch what was happening in the world .

I sincerely liked Chris Cuomo , I love his style and the intensity he uses for arguments with people and he made them know it was his show .

But over the years everything has changed in CNN and it has literally because the source of Fake news but Chris Cuomo has become the Father of Fake News.

Chris Cuomo has become extremely biased and lies so much it makes me believe he is the devil in the flesh .

Chris has been caught on multiple occasions cutting the President's speech and making it look like what it's not . Trying to make a point or an argument out of something that actually wasn't said or was taken out of context .

I never seen anyone that is as manipulative as Chris Cuomo . At the end of his shows ,he makes a very emotional speech to everyone listening to make it look like he actually cares when in reality he has just twisted the truth and told another story far from the real story .

I have witnessed him cut off people during interviews or debates when they show or express their support for President Trump.

I just want everyone to know this ... CNN doesn't care about their extremely low ratings because they are paid hundreds of millions of dollars to keep feeding the people that watch them with fake news and misinformation .

Chris Cuomo once cared about the truth and facts like all journalist are trained to do but he sold his soul and conscience to money and Constant negative news (CNN).

Their is one thing CNN and their journalists use each time to get people to keep watching or feel it's real. They use what I call emotional manipulation or blackmail to get people to feel guilty or sorry for stories or "news" that has been twisted and clearly taken out of context .


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