China and the Fake News Media (The evil union)

Over the past month the world has gone through a pandemic we never could imagine or ever thought could happen to us .

But this hasn't stopped the Fake News Media from their constant lies and misleading information that's caused so much separation and division in the world.

The Fake News Media is currently working side by side with China to make President Trump look bad and it's absolutely disgusting .

The Media are traitors to America and have decided to side with China inside of siding with the pure unfiltered truth and facts that show that China is the cause of the Coronavirus . The truth that the Democrats were against President Trump for stopping flights from and to China .

It pains me to see that the Media keeps lying about everything and keeps giving so much misleading information to people and they actually believe it's the truth .

Just recently it has been revealed that most of the so called "Coronavirus deaths " aren't actually caused by the Coronavirus but are still recorded as a Coronavirus death .

How can you trust the Media when they lied about Kobe Bryant's death by saying the entire family died while some said him and his wife . They form this narrative in their minds and bring it out to the public to listen and believe .

They have made China look innocent while in true facts , the Chinese government was aware of the Coronavirus and decided not to do anything but lie and cover up as much as they could . Till today the media hasn't come out to point out that fact , no , instead the blame is being put on President Trump like he was the one that had the Coronavirus and decided to spread it .

The world needs to wake up and realise if these people aren't stopped soon , they will silence the voice of those that need to be heard and will gradually destroy journalism to the point people will not regard it anymore .

The simple truth is;
1. The Chinese government knew about the Coronavirus but decided to lie about it and cover it up .
2. The fake news media are working with the Chinese government and the Democrats to take down President Trump .
3. The Democrats will destroy America if they aren't stopped soon.
4. The Fake News Media will destroy journalism if they aren't stopped immediately.


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