Mr and Mrs President

Well apart from the fact the Democrats have totally screwed Bernie Sanders , the plan is finally coming all together .

Their was a very boring debate yesterday between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

Joe Biden as usual lying about Donald Trump planning to cut social security and Medicare . That's the same lie that was told 4 years ago by the Democrats but nothing happened .. instead Donald Trump saved social security and Medicare .

Joe Biden was so confused during the debate as usual .
1. Joe Biden called the Coronavirus "SARS"
2. Joe Biden called the H1N1 virus the N1H1
3. Joe Biden forgot the name of the Ebola virus, describing it as " what happened in Africa "

Now I can't say we are all perfect , we all make mistakes but when you are running for office of the President of the United States of America, you don't make such clueless mistake .

Joe Biden ended the debate by "promising" to have a woman as his vice president.

Well we all know that's the most corrupt woman on the planet (apart from Nancy Pelosi) ... her name is Hillary Clinton .


  1. That about sums it up. I believe we'll get thru this virus and about June all things will turn around & the current leadership will be dogged by the left as usual BUT the American people will see this all happen and vote Trump 2020 dispute all the FAKE NEWS


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