Donald Trump :" the best is yet to come "

From business mogul to The Best President America has ever seen .

Donald Trump has proven to the world and to all does that hate him (the Democrats), that he is able to make America great .

When Trump said during his inauguration that he was going to make America great again ,he was going to put America first and he was going to clean up the swamp , we didn't understand what he meant , including me (shocking ) .

But no one could see or feel how corrupt America was before Trump came . The past administrations did everything in their power to hide the dirt under the rug but Trump came ,showed the dirt to the world ,proved it wasn't his and clean it up right before everyone eyes .

Trump exposed the media for what they really are, FAKE .

America is undoubtedly great again . The economy is up and running again . Trump has successfully made companies invest in America again and he's made sure they don't sell out America to other countries .

American military is at it's best and the uniformed men and women are surely the best in the world at what they do . Trump has made sure he has built up and strengthen the military . With new weapons the world has never seen before , America is definitely safe again .

Donald Trump has cut down taxes and the employment rate is at it's best .

Sometimes I sit back and wonder what America would have become if Trump didn't win .

Surely the best is yet to come .


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