AOC ( The messenger girl)

Her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the overzealous misleading Democrat.

To be honest the first time I ever heard about this woman was when I saw a post about her calling out people for not "patronizing Chinese restaurants" which for that reason she said they are racist .

Now I want to make it clear that I am in no way against women or this woman in particular but I'm against manipulative people.

How on Earth is it racism to be scared ? I will NEVER , and I mean NEVER eat in a Chinese restaurant again until the Coronavirus is confirmed over and that's not Racism . She called it "straight up Racism" .

It's absolutely wrong to manipulate people to believe in something that's not true and to be honest that's what Democrats do.

This same woman has label the President as racist when their isn't any evidence whatsoever that Trump is racist . Trump has helped the black community more than Obama ever did .

It's not a shocker to me that she's a Democrat because all Democrats are truly evil people .

This woman has been against the President ever since she got into Congress . Recently criticizing the President for the Bill that was to be past on.

Let's not forget that it's the Democrats that have politicized the crisis we are facing .


  1. I find it very interesting that HOMELAND SECURITY would label gunakers and retailers ESSENTIAL right now. Why is there a build up of tanks on the west coast as far back as Kansas city? Whats really going on. I havent heard of any on the east coast being deployed. Are we expecting an invasion?

  2. "It's not a shocker to me that she's a Democrat because all Democrats are truly evil people ." Do you really think that comment is true, or that it helps to bring America together? Comments like this are what is politicizing the crisis we are all facing.

  3. I'm conservative, but I often agree w/what used to be called JFK Democrats. They are much more reasonable. The party has really changed over the years & not in a good way.

  4. Fret not Patriot, do not let your heart be weary or fearful of those that dwell in darkness, for the blind are leading the blind, and both will reap what they sow. Those like AOC that spread hate will reap it for that hate will be turned back to them. For the day is coming when all will see the truth for it shall go forth boldly like a roaring lion, with light so bright that it will pull the blindness from their eyes. So worry not Sweet Patriot of the painful arrows and barbed tongues that are aimed at your integrity, instead remain steadfast upon your love of country, hold fast to your faith in God, for with strength and God's favor their words shall always return to them void. All America will see the dawning of a new age of freedom and justice, an Independent America, a strong America, forged by love of God and country.. God Bless America..


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