Donald Trump (For America or Against America)

It has been the argument for over 4years now, if Trump is for America or against America .

The media has been going wild trying to prove their points and trying to show evidence proving Trump is against America .

During the inauguration of Trump into office, I remember very clearly when he kept saying he will "clean up the swamp" and put "America first" and to be honest that's what he has done .

As a President , he has to make the tough call and decisions that won't sit well with everyone but will surely be for the greater good .

The Trump administration has put America first when it cut off the horrible trade deal America had with China that only benefitted China and not America or Americans in anyway .

Donald Trump put America first when he didn't sit back to watch the north Korean President kim Jong-Un threaten America .

If anything Donald Trump has fulfill everything he said by truly putting America first .

1. Stock market records (all time high)
2. Stronger military force .
3. Stronger economy
4. More Jobs for Americans
5. Supporting the black community
6. Bring back companies to America .
7. Reducing tax

I would be a liar if I say I was happy when Donald Trump won , I wasn't . Not because I hated Donald Trump ,no, but because I just wanted a woman to win .

But this changed for me when I understood who Hillary Clinton was and how evil the Democrats are .

America is simply at it's best now because of Donald Trump . This doesn't mean everyone will have a job or will suddenly become successful because of Donald Trump , not everyone will gain something from this Administration... That's just the truth .

But America is stronger than it has ever been .


  1. Understated, but very good article. Donald Trump has been a savior for this country and I thank heavens every day for that.

  2. With everything that is going on right now, the only reason I am not afraid is because I know that President Trump is a true patriot that loves our country, and he will do his best to fulfill his promises to the American people. Everytime he takes the podium and people disrespect him I wish I was there beside him where I could give those vile snakes in the media a well placed browbeating and a piece of my mind. I would love it, but I know that will never happen.. But I do pray that God keeps him safe, and if I could tell him one thing, just give him one piece of advice, it would be for him to pray for his enemies, because the more he forgives, and the harder he prays for those enemies to receive blessings, the worse the hot coals will be heaped upon their heads. You know the old saying? "Kill them with kindness"? That is the best way to deal with people like that.. In being a blessing to your enemies, you make them all look to be fools.. For humility is the doorway to justice.

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