The truth about the Obama administration

He was called the "man of the people" but truly he wasn't for the people ... He was actually against the people .

The Obama administration did more harm to America than good .  Increasing the debt of America from 6.3 trillion dollars to 14.4 trillion dollars .

It has just been revealed that Obama waited 6 solid months to called a national emergency when H1N1 swine flu came out ... That call was made when over 12,000 people had already die from it .

If you calculate how much the Obama borrowed , it will come up to 8.1 trillion dollars .. with that amount of money America should have had a strong military , a strong economy and much more .

But during this time was the worst economy americans ever saw . People were losing their jobs and houses still the Democrats supported him .

These are the same Democrats that are currently criticizing President Donald Trump for calling a national emergency " too quick " and for him banning flight to and from some countries .

The Obama administration empowered Iran with billions of dollars which they sent via plane . The same money they are using today to buy weapons and attack Americans .


  1. How come people have such a hard time seeing an believing what this Obama did to our country? We are so lucky to have president Donald Trump in office as of right now. No telling where our country would be if he didn't take office when he did. Donald Trump you are the best!!!!

  2. Well, when 1 can do instant fact check when somebody says or writes something, you're able to find out instantly if the words are true or false. As a person who does this, I'm able to fact check every paragraph above and confirm each paragraph is a flipping LIE! The 1st paragraph is opinion and mine is much different!
    2nd-research "national debt by president"
    You pick and read. When that reveals above is a lie,then search "obama swine flu timeline"
    Itll take a while for the truth to shake all that misinformation from your skull. When the pain subsides some, well debunk the next paragraph! It will be so much fun, Buttercup!


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