The Puppet master

Hasn't it been obvious all along , hasn't it been written in clear bold writings.

It's still a shock to me that Joe Biden hasn't been arrest ever since the Trump administration showed undoubtedly evidence that he used his power to get jobs for his family members and get countries to pay millions of dollars to his family when they did absolutely nothing .

Hillary Clinton has been the person writing this script from the get go and is still the puppet master .

In the beginning, the plan was for Barack Obama to be the President for 8 years ,after that he was to use his influence as the president to support Hillary Clinton and make it easy for her to win .

When that plan didn't work out ,the new plan is for Joe biden to now take over .

Let's think about it , Joe Biden was vice president for 8 years and couldn't do anything  .

This is a man that has proudly during his campaign implied that he will raise taxes for those that enjoyed all that President Donald Trump's administration has done .

This simply implies all the millions of Americans that have enjoyed all the policies Trump has done , will suffer under Joe Biden's adminstration.

Donald Trump's trade war with China showed how for over 8 years China kept gaining billions under the expense of American workers  and Barack Obama or Joe Biden did absolutely nothing to stop it or change it .

Under the administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden , billions were sent to Iraq , which even helped more in their support for terrorist and nuclear warheads .

Joe Biden will be the absolute worst for America . A man that can't control his household cannot control and lead America .


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