CNN (The headquarter of Fake news)

It still hurts my heart each day to finally acknowledge that CNN is full of fake news .

I remember waking up each day to watch CNN and sit down for hours just listening to what they had to say .

It's no secret that CNN has officially turned to the fake news media .

I think their hate for President Donald Trump that's turned them so biased and untruthful .

Everytime you turn on CNN you see them constantly bash the president and giving misleading information about the President and any person they don't like .

At first I thought the journalist were being forced to say all these false news and misinformation but that changed when I saw how they cut short anyone that supports president Trump during an interview or just ask another question immediately or talk over the person .

The most disgusting part is they use black people to insult and discredit other black people for supporting Donald Trump .

The same people that called him racist for calling the Coronavirus the Chinese Virus are the same people that called it the Chinese Coronavirus.

The media in general are corrupt but when it gets to a point you are being controlled by popular opinions and the Democrats ,it becomes wrong .

The media is controlled by the Democrats and corrupt politicians.


  1. The bias has become so one sided, its like they are in constant campaign mode for the DNC. This is dangerous and irresponsible to the American People in many ways. They have lost all credibility!

  2. It is sad that so many listen as if it is truth.. they follow blindly without even checking their facts... lazy people... sheep... I follow every word our President says.. so sad how they twist and turn his words to fit their narrative.. So much good our President has done for America, and they are blind to it.. I know he sees their lies, my heart goes out to him, for all that he goes through, so tiring it is to see them treat him with so much disrespect and then condemn him further for standing up for himself.. I wish so much there was something I could do to change the direction of the wind.. I know so many are so busy doing so much for our crisis.. but there needs to be a committee of sorts, a group of people that it is their job everyday to take the media lies and make them eat them by showing every American the truth about the fake news.. All those corrupt people need to be brought to justice, their corruption in full view for all the sheep to see the truth.. Now that would be something.. :)


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