President Donald Trump (Racist or Not Racist)

I feel for a very long time the word racism has been misused and misrepresented.

I believe the word Racism is a word forged from the depths of fear and pain . We all know what the black people went through during the period of slavery and extreme discrimination .

But the real question is , Is President Donald Trump racist ?

Well I believe the answer to this question is personal to everyone . Everyone has their own view of racism and to be honest their are still people that are racist until today .

Personally for me , Donald Trump is not racist in anyway . This man has done more for the black community more than any administration has ever done .

I feel this is just another propaganda by the Democrats to get Black people hating on Donald Trump again .

Donald Trump said it , it's America First . It doesn't matter your skin colour, he sees you as American .

I just want to make this clear .. most things that are called racist or racism aren't Racism or Racist .

The media is racist because they don't care about the black people or black lives . Their are so many things that are going on that the media will never post about because it doesn't give them the amount of clicks they need .

The Media lies, so stop allowing them make you fight each other .


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