Sleepy Joe Biden(mentally unstable?)

Over the past months Joe Biden has said alot but has done absolutely nothing .

First of all ,I just want to say I personally do not like Joe Biden because of reasons I've given out in previous post but I sincerely worry about his mental health .

Is Joe Biden really mentally stable enough to be the President of America ? Well , the answer for me will be NO .


Because over the past months I've sat down to watch almost all of Joe Biden's interviews , rallies and all his gathering . It seems something is just off with him .

1. He stutters alot
2. Sometimes things he says doesn't make sense .
3. He contradicts his self alot.

Now it's not about hating Joe Biden or being in love with him .it's about asking the honest Question if Joe Biden is truly mentally stable enough to rule and lead America and is Joe Biden the best for America.

Being the President is no joke . I mean Barack Obama came into the white house with a beautiful black hair but went out with full gray hair .

Yes Joe Biden was once the vice president of America but being the vice president and the President is two very different things .

It feels like Joe Biden is being pushed into this by the Democrats and his family .

We should all honestly sit down and ask these questions to ourselves
1. Is Joe Biden the best for America ?
2. Can Joe Biden lead America in the right path?
3. Can Joe Biden make America better than it is now ?


  1. Let’s keep America going in the right direction, re-elect President Donald Trump.

  2. Down "very very" trump. He's out of here! Yes!


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