Hillary Clinton (The failed administration)

It's not news that the Obama administration was a failed administration . But this isn't about Obama but about the person that controlled the system and mysteriously became more important than the vice president . Her name is Hillary Clinton .

Hillary during the Obama's administration was the secretary of state and it's on record that Hillary didn't do her job . How ? Well let me tell you a story

Well once upon a time the US ambassador to Libya was killed in Benghazi . During this time Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state . According to Wikipedia , the secretary of state is considered to be the US government's minister of foreign affairs .

Obama , Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton ran a blind government that couldn't help it's people during their time of need . But I sincerely can't blame Obama for it , he put his trust in Hillary .

Let's recall during the time Hillary's husband was President , he abused his power . While our brave soldiers were in other countries fighting to keep America safe , the then President Bill Clinton was having sex with an intern .

Today Hillary is criticizing President Trump for "not doing his job" but she couldn't do her job when John Christopher Stevens (former ambassador of America to Libya) was killed under her watch .

The best way to describe Hillary is Power Hungry .


  1. She has a lot of blood on her hands, and she knows it. She has no right to stand in judgement anyone.


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