China and the Democrats

It's not about hating the Democrats or hating China , it's about the unfiltered facts and truth .

The Democrats are a terrorist organization that works in the dark to affect and destroy the hope and faith of the American people .

The Coronavirus (the Chinese virus) was first reported by WHO (world health organization) on the 31 of December 2019 . During this time the Democrats were still hell-bent on impeaching President Donald Trump.

The Democrats knew what was happening and knew what was to come , that is why some Democrats sold off their shares before the stock market crashed because of the Coronavirus crisis.

Let me ask you a question . If you are student of a school and it's being reviewed if you're going to be expelled from the school based of fake and false facts and let's say you're having an exam the next week , will you read and prepare so hard knowing you might not be a student of that school anymore that same week? ..

This is what the Democrats did to President Donald Trump during the impeachment hoax . How do you expect the President to concentrate when he didn't even know if he would be the President the next day .

Till today all the Democrats do is to bash and insult the president each day when he's doing his absolute best to contain and control the Virus .

Democrats see China as our friends . Now let it be known that Chinese people aren't bad people in anyway but it's the Chinese government that's bad .

The Coronavirus is not a mistake made by China . It was purposely done by the Chinese government . They knew what they were doing and in hopes to cover it up ,they are blaming America for it .

The Democrats and China are both working together to take down President Donald Trump . At each chance Nancy Pelosi has, she insults the president and blames him for everything while she was the Captain of the impeachment ship that sank .

Nancy Pelosi gave out Pens for Democrats to use to sign for President Trump to be impeached while president Trump was having a meeting on how to stop the Coronavirus from getting to America .

When President Trump put an "early ban" on travels , the Democrats called him racist , xenophobic and all names they could think of .

China and Democrats are the common enemies of America .


  1. Amen. There is no way if you look at the time lines that this was an accident. No way possible. This was planned. Trump has been fighting China since his election. This virus was not a natural god made disaster. Well see what unfolds but This virus I can assure you is chemically engineered. China did nothing to contain it. They let it spread the democrats knew the impeachment wouldnt pass the senate. They tries to drag it out. Their timing fell short but they covered this just as much as china did. And probably given their record I wouldnt doubt coordinated this with china. Someone started the panic and the frenzy. Your ignorant if you believe the first thing people are going to run for in a crisis is toilet paper. Somone mass ordered and wiped the shelves to start the freenzy. The stock markets been controled before. Manipulated. The economy the democrats have been targeting for a while now. In cade peolle have forgotton a few months back they and the fake news tried to talk the country into a recession. Until facts and job reports countered everuthing they said and they couldnt continue with the lie. Its been one tmattack on this president and country by the democrats since he was elected. The same liberals constantly lying on tv. Coumo of NY on national television crying over not having ventilators. Insisting trump put forth a law that forces manufacturers to produce them . They found a werehouse where he had thousands stockpiled. I saw the interview where Cuomo was confronted. This is all coordinated and discusting. They will pay the price in novemeber.

  2. Amen please share this and wake everyone up

  3. My exact thoughts. Add Mario Jr's response letting NYC fester while New Rochelle was already under quarantine. Budget deficit...bigger covid numbers, more federal bail-out money. High elderly death rate, no more pension payments. Send positive patients to nursing homes????


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