Adam Schiff (The messenger boy)

I can go out on a rant and write about how much I dislike this man and all but everything on this blog is based on facts .

Adam Schiff became famous during the Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump .

He teamed up with Nancy Pelosi in hope of removing the President but we all know how that story ended .

The thing that still surprises me until this day is , Adam Schiff wasn't arrested after the failed impeachment hoax  .
Why? You may ask

Well let's list all the wrongs he committed

1. Adam Schiff lied about the so called whistleblower .
2. Adam Schiff lied about what the whistleblower said , it was like a new story everyday .
3. Adam Schiff didn't allow Republicans to speak during the trails and kept cutting them off .
4. Adam Schiff made false allegations towards the President repeatedly .

The impeachment trial of president Trump was planned by Adam Schiff but was executed by Nancy Pelosi .

Democrats did everything they could to make sure Donald Trump was removed ,why, simply because they didn't like him .

Adam Schiff should be taken to court for all the lies and misleading information he gave but one thing I've come to realise is , as long as you're a Democrat, your sins are forgiven and hidden under the rug .


  1. I have no party affiliation. But I think the reasoning that Democrats tried to have Trump impeached because "they didn't like him" is nothing more than a cop out. Nobody does that. There can only be one of two truths in the matter. Either he is a threat to Democrats. Or the whole thing is a complete theatrical display. I personally believe its the second. Because since 2000, the patterns have become obvious to those who care to look. Its boldly clear that the Democrats and Republicans are two brands made and owned by the same company. Pretending to be rivals. But really two sides of the same coin. To keep power out of people's hands. To keep them stupid and blind. The media acts as the smokescreen and distraction. To keep the misinformation and disinformation flowing 24/7. Eventually there will be no more countries. The borders might be on the map. But its an illusion. The real "President" isn't even located in America. No "they" arent.

    1. Ah!
      Youve been taking smart pills havnt you?

      Thats nkt fair to the rest of us.


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