The Evil twins

It actually brings tears to my eyes writing this today because the world has been thrown into darkness and people are actually suffering .

At first I sincerely thought the Democrats weren't that evil and weren't all about power and money ... I thought their was a little bit of good in them but after their recent actions , my heart truly is broken .

Nancy Pelosi ,Chuck Schumer and the Democrats have blocked the pandemic relief bill that would have saved alot of Americans and helped millions during this hard time .

No one was prepared for what was to come .. absolutely no one . The world prepared for nuclear wars and each country prepared their weapons and spends billions and trillions on warheads but no one knew China will cause this much pain to the world .

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats still get paid .. they aren't feeling what the people are feeling . Nancy Pelosi has 238 million dollars to fall back on even if she isn't paid .

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want you to believe that early voting ,airline emissions , minimum wage requirements, same day Voter registration, and massive collective bargaining guarantee are "necessary" for a pandemic relief bill.

These things mentioned above have nothing to do with the bill , absolutely nothing .

All Democrats are worried about is the election and gaining power again . All they care about is power ...not the people . Democrats do not put America First.

Their are people out their that are suffering and hungry ,even dying but all the Democrats care about is what they will gain . These people don't care about the American people in anyway .

Democrats are using this crisis as an opportunity to pressure the President into signing what they want .

It's absolutely disgusting and totally uncalled for .

America will be a far better place without the Democrats .


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