The Democrats (The internal enemies of America)

I've never grown a dislike for the Democrats as much as I've grown ever since the Coronavirus crisis started .

These people truly are against anything president Donald Trump does and are ready to make Americans suffer for it .

From one accusation to another. The Democrats have come up with so much disgusting and misleading information about the President .

The impeachment hoax exposed the Democrats for who they really are ... Selfish greedy careless people that have no plan for America neither do they put Americans first .

The same Democrats and their army of fake news media condemned the president for building the wall , the same wall that's helping the border control officers.

They also condemned Trump for calling for the travel ban "too soon" .. if the President didn't call for the travel ban ,by now more Americans would have died from the Coronavirus.

It's annoying when you have some group of old people trying to destroy the future of the youths just for their own selfish gain .

When they lost the elections ,they claimed Trump rigged the election with the help of Russia . They keep bringing out so much misleading information and without facts whatsoever .

The Senate Democrats blocked a relief package aimed at helping working class families pay their bills and Nancy Pelosi blocked the COVID-19 bill at the same time trying to sneak in abortion funding into it .

So abortion is more important to Nancy Pelosi than the families that are going to be affected by what's going on . And if no one is going to say it ,I will... Why should abortion be funded by the government ?

The Democrats want America to fall as long as they can blame Trump for it .

America will be a far better place without the confused Democrats in it .


  1. I pray everyday that Nancy, Chuck and the rest of the Democrats are voted out. They are corrupt and dangerous and destroying this country.

  2. I believe there will be a day of reckoning for the Democrats, but the truth has to be brought to the surface, too many watch only the mainstream media. The lies that they tell and the way they twist the truth is horrible, I would truly say that they are bordering on terrorism the way they use scare tactics to sway people to their narrative. The upper elite that owns the media should be brought to justice for their crimes against America, because they attack the very foundations of our freedom everyday. If I was Trump I would finance a new media outlet, one ran by real American Patriots like Candace Owens, Brandon Straka, Diamond & Silk, and Trish Regan. All passionate people that would report the news with passion and an unbiased viewpoint... I think that would be a great idea... and maybe accept stories from people like you, like me that love to write about the real story.. not a narrative..


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