Barack Obama and Joe Biden (The brothers of destruction)

It's no secret that the Obama administration was one of the worst in American history (if not the worst ) .

Barack Obama and Joe Biden did absolutely nothing to help America in anyway . The greatest achievement the Obama administration had was successfully killing Osama bin laden .

For the 8 years Obama and Biden were in power , China unfairly traded with America and made America lose trillions of dollars under the Obama administration .

To be honest at a point it felt like America was afraid of other nations . America literally bowed down to Iran when they threatened even when thousands of Americans were killed in Iran and Iraq .

Fast forward to today , Obama has suddenly come out to endorse Joe Biden but to be honest it's not a shock , it would have been a shock if he didn't .

If Joe Biden and Barack Obama failed for 8 solid years then why should Joe Biden be given a chance to be President of the United States of America .

It's been revealed that Joe Biden's son is in a deal with China that sees their family earn 30 million dollars each year . Joe Biden will literally sell America to China because China owns Joe Biden .

It is in the best interest of the Chinese government for Joe Biden to win because it will be back to robbing American traders and American businesses of billions ,if not trillions of dollars .

The Democrats are in firm control of the media and the news , which I must say is a smart move because even if they kill someone , the Fake news media will act like it never happened just like Joe Biden's sexual assault case that's being hidden under the rug .

Let's not forget the H1N1 swine flu that killed over 12,000 Americans and still Joe Biden and Barack Obama waited 6 months to call for a national emergency . Imagine what would have happened to America if they were still in power.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden ran a failed administration .. Joe Biden won't be any better as the President.


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