China and Joe Biden (The secret union)

Well I guess it's been a secret for sometime now but like all secrets, it's been brought to light .

It's been revealed that Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden took 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government in 2013 which translates to roughly 30 million dollars A YEAR in fees alone to the Biden family .

Joe Biden hasn't been charged for using his power to get his family extraordinary privileges and the FAKE NEWS MEDIA are trying their absolute best to keep this covered up .

Chinese government has done so much wrong to America and the worst is this virus that came from China, the CHINESE VIRUS that has caused so much pain .

Being the President of America means you are loyal to only America but I guess after being under Barack Obama for 8years , Joe Biden didn't learn that .

If Joe Biden is elected President of America, China will gain more power . Maybe more power than America because if Barack Obama and Joe Biden could agree to send millions of dollars to Iran then what won't confused Joe Biden do when he's loyal to China .

Joe Biden and the Demon Democrats have politicized the current pandemic and they have used it as an opportunity to criticize the President which is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen .

Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade but the Fake news media are working overtime to cover it up and the "famous" MeToo movement is saying absolutely nothing about it but If this was President Trump being accused ,it will be the "News" for at least a year .

Currently it has been revealed that the Democrats are so desperate they are ready to rig the election ,the same accusation they laid on President Donald Trump when he won. Claiming it was Russia that helped Trump win the election .

Joe Biden will NEVER win.


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