
Joe Biden is scared of Trump

It is no secret anymore that Joe Biden is indeed scared to face Trump but prefers to hide behind his Twitter account and tweet different lies about the President. The demon Democrats are trying to scrap the debate that's to happen between Joe Biden and Trump because they know they would be exposed just the same way Trump exposed Hillary Clinton . Everyone including the Democrats know that Joe Biden isn't in the same class as Trump . Trump is of a higher class but the Democrats are using the fake new media and other celebrities to make it look different . How will Americans ever allow a 77 years old man to win and become president when he is in strong alliance with CHINA. A man that cares more about protecting China than the American dream . Joe Biden was vice president from 2009 to 2017 . Him and Barack Obama almost destroyed America but now Joe Biden is coming to finish off what his bosses started . I strongly believe Joe Biden is just a puppet the Democrats are using to get w


It has been here for years and it still is. It's called RACISM and believe me alot of white people are extremely racist . For so many years black people have been hunted down like animals and killed for no just reason by white people each and every day just because they feel they own the world and they are superior to everyone . Do you know that every white person in America and around the world comes from a racist background because either their great great grandfather or grandfather was part of the people that supported and encouraged racism . These disgusting people have found a new way to fulfill their demonic desires by joining the police force , so that they can torment and punish black people because they hate them . I remember watching a video of a white police officer telling a black man to bring out his driver's license , as soon as he reach down to get it , the officer suddenly started shouting "gun,gun,gun" and killed the man but he never knew h

Obama (The Corrupt system)

Till today I stand by my words when I said the Obama administration was the worst thing to ever happen to America . Each day more evidence is being shown to prove how corrupt Obama was but as usual the Fake News Media calls it a "conspiracy" and they ignore the facts that can't be denied . The fact that Obama used the FBI as his personal spies to spy on Donald Trump and also used them to hiding incriminating evidence which they call "classified information". Obama also blocked a bill in 2016 that stopped families of the 9/11 victims from suing the Saudi government . It's no surprise to me because I believe Obama strongly supported Islamic countries that proudly supported terrorism . Barack Obama used the FBI to take down anyone that didn't agree to his twisted system , an example of that was Michael Flynn. Michael Flynn was falsely accused and arrested for things he never did . Barack Obama suddenly became the head of the FBI and used them t

Joe Biden (Sexual Assault)

Democrats Joe Biden has been accused by Tara Reade for sexually assaulting her . Joe Biden has a solid history of sexual assault accusations but he has successfully kept it under the rug and has silence everyone that came forth . The most disgraceful part is , the Fake News Media is doing absolutely nothing about it and the MeToo movement has kept absolutely quiet about it . These are just simple indications showing that Joe Biden should never be President of America . In as much as the Democrats and alot of people will love that but AMERICA comes first . Joe Biden has so much wrong on him , it's amazing to see he's still running for President . Let's reviews some of this; 1. Joe Biden has been accused of quid pro quo when he revealed in an interview that he withheld aid to a country because he wanted them to fire someone (in other words ,he wanted a favour ) 2. Joe Biden and his son has been exposed for going to China and doing secret businesses with the

China and the Fake News Media (The evil union)

Over the past month the world has gone through a pandemic we never could imagine or ever thought could happen to us . But this hasn't stopped the Fake News Media from their constant lies and misleading information that's caused so much separation and division in the world. The Fake News Media is currently working side by side with China to make President Trump look bad and it's absolutely disgusting . The Media are traitors to America and have decided to side with China inside of siding with the pure unfiltered truth and facts that show that China is the cause of the Coronavirus . The truth that the Democrats were against President Trump for stopping flights from and to China . It pains me to see that the Media keeps lying about everything and keeps giving so much misleading information to people and they actually believe it's the truth . Just recently it has been revealed that most of the so called "Coronavirus deaths " aren'

Donald Trump vs The Fake News Media

For me , the greatest problem America is currently facing is the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. It's been an ongoing war for the past 4 years and it doesn't look like it will ever end because as much as we all think they are only ever going to attack President Donald Trump , they will also attack more and keep misleading more people . They have attacked President Trump in everyway possible and haven't spared even his family ,as they have been dragged for over 4 years by the media . The fake News Media was widely used by the Democrats during the failed Impeachment hoax that exposed the Democrats for being the satanic evil people President Trump always talked about . No matter what happens , the fake news media takes it as an opportunity to insult,curse and disrespect the President each and Everytime. The most shocking moment for me was when the Media tried to make Nancy Pelosi ripping the president's state of the union speech  a "heroic" act and

Ilhan Omar and AOC (The manipulative Sisters)

These are the two women that have been smartly picked by the Democrats to brainwash and manipulate young girls and others to believe in lies and misinformation. It's painful to see people use Racisms and other problems the world's facing to pass on a message that's fails , misleading and just pure lies . Ilhan Omar and AOC have been doing that for years now . Calling anything that doesn't sit well with them Racisms or whatever they feel like calling it . These woman are shown by the Fake News Media as role models little girls should follow and admire while in true facts ,they are truly horrible people inside that will do anything for money and power . Ilhan Omar has been accused of marrying her own brother to get a Green card with shocking evidence that proves she actually did such disgusting act . I tried reading about her marriage history but believe me it's extremely confusing . Ilhan Omar has supports terrorist for reasons best known to

Nancy Pelosi vs Donald Trump

I have to be honest ,when I looked up for a picture of President Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi , I saw so many picture of both of them laughing together ,shaking hands and just looking okay . It brought up the question to my mind , what really went wrong ?. Well , the answer is simply , Nancy Pelosi is an evil manipulative woman that has caused so much confusion and division in the American system . President Donald Trump has been working endlessly to make everything balanced in America but the Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi have decided to cause so much trouble and hate in the American system . Like I've said before ,I've never seen any President attacked the way President Donald Trump has been attacked by the Democrats and the Fake News Media . The thing I find quite funny in an annoying way is , Nancy Pelosi and her army of mindless zombies tried to impeach the President for "withholding aid to Ukraine" but at the end the Democrats have held aid t