Lonely valentine

Today's Valentine's day , a day the world portrays loves.
People all over the world express their deepest love for that one special person in their life ( sometimes more than one ,to the low life's that cheat ) .

People on the internet will post how much they love their significant other and how much they can't do without the other person .

But in all this love and expression of love ,their are some that will not be waking up to that beautiful text message or call ,instead they will be waking up to messages of debt or something else .

Some feel depressed today because they have no one to take them out or send that lovely text but we should all learn how to be happy by ourselves,with ourselves and in ourselves .

Learn never to depend on anyone for your happiness . You can be happy in your own space and being by yourself .

Show kindness to someone today ,with that I say a big Happy Valentine's day to everyone and remember you are loved .


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