President Donald Trump takes shots at Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney

President Donald Trump has taken shots at Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney at the national prayer breakfast .

Arthur books gave a speech urging people in the room to "love their enemies" and set aside "contempt", that didn't seem to sit well with the President .

Trump got on stage and said he doesn't fully agree with Arthur books statement, he immediately attacked his enemies and specifically talks about Nancy Pelosi without mentioning her name .

"I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong " , the President was referring to Mitt Romney who recently said because of his faith he will be convicting the President of abuse of power .

He continued by saying "nor do I like people who say ,I pray for you , when they know that is not so " , the President was referring to Nancy Pelosi who has in numerous interviews after wanting the President to get impeached said she "prays for the President "

He also waved a newspaper showing "Acquitted" ... Referring to the Senate acquitting him of the Impeachment trail.


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