The biggest Hoax in the history of America

It is no surprise that alot of Democrats didn't want Donald Trump to win the election back in 2016. This includes the then President Barrack Obama, who publicly shamed Donald Trump each time he had the opportunity to do so .

Donald Trump's rise and outstanding success has become a pain to each and every Democrat .

With their failed attempt to impeach the President and their constant false news that Russia helped Donald Trump win the election back in 2016 . What else won't we hear from the Democrats .

It's a surprise to me that Vladimir Putin hasn't gotten angry and declared war on America ,with the Democrats and fake news and fake media constantly pointing fingers at Russia and falsely accusing them of things they have no hand in .

The Democrats have gone as far as accusing Russia again and placing accusations on Russia ,with things like "it's in Russia's best interest for Donald Trump to win again and they are trying to interfer with the elections again " .

The Democrats know they have no credibility anymore . Americans have known how fake and shady the Democrats are .

This people are willing to do anything unlawfully to make sure they win .

My question is , why are they so desperate to win ? ,Isn't it one America again and why are they so divided ,to the point they currently are against themselves .

It's just so surprising to see how low this people will go to win .


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