Joe Biden (Sexual Assault)

Democrats Joe Biden has been accused by Tara Reade for sexually assaulting her . Joe Biden has a solid history of sexual assault accusations but he has successfully kept it under the rug and has silence everyone that came forth . The most disgraceful part is , the Fake News Media is doing absolutely nothing about it and the MeToo movement has kept absolutely quiet about it . These are just simple indications showing that Joe Biden should never be President of America . In as much as the Democrats and alot of people will love that but AMERICA comes first . Joe Biden has so much wrong on him , it's amazing to see he's still running for President . Let's reviews some of this; 1. Joe Biden has been accused of quid pro quo when he revealed in an interview that he withheld aid to a country because he wanted them to fire someone (in other words ,he wanted a favour ) 2. Joe Biden and his son has been exposed for going to China and doing secret businesses with the ...