China and the Democrats

It's not about hating the Democrats or hating China , it's about the unfiltered facts and truth . The Democrats are a terrorist organization that works in the dark to affect and destroy the hope and faith of the American people . The Coronavirus (the Chinese virus) was first reported by WHO (world health organization) on the 31 of December 2019 . During this time the Democrats were still hell-bent on impeaching President Donald Trump. The Democrats knew what was happening and knew what was to come , that is why some Democrats sold off their shares before the stock market crashed because of the Coronavirus crisis. Let me ask you a question . If you are student of a school and it's being reviewed if you're going to be expelled from the school based of fake and false facts and let's say you're having an exam the next week , will you read and prepare so hard knowing you might not be a student of that school anymore that same week? .. This is what the De...